Monday, April 22, 2013

Just Do It: Ready Edition

I have spent months trying to figure out the right template and design or the new vision I have for the blog. I have been looking for signs, viewing other websites to get an idea/formula for the blog. I know what my mission is but my vision is blurred. With all the ideas in my head, I keep going back and forth wondering if it would make sense to combine it all. A part of me thinks a clear vision is separating each idea on its own, possibly a second blog.

I have been fighting with the idea so much (which caused a waste of time, months in fact!) because I was looking to conform to what would make sense. I was concerned about not confusing my readers, keeping my personal separate from the idea. It dawned on me today that if it made sense and conformed to the usual then it wouldn't be original. Therefore, I have decided to stop trying to fit my ideas in specific categories or divide them and to just get it done.

So here goes to figuring it out and just doing it!