Thursday, April 19, 2012

Répondez S'il Vous Plaît

Read the invitation post (here) to get up-to-date about my reasons for creating a website.

From invitations to RSVPs...

In order for guests to RSVP, they had to go to the website given on one of the invitation inserts.

Here is a view of the RSVP screen:

Once guests clicked on the "RSVP here" a pop-up window appeared requesting for a password. After entering the correct password, the RSVP process began. Here is a view:

The above screen was synced to my Google Docs account; as guest RSVP, it was recorded on an Excel spreadsheet, listing guest attendance response and additional information (such as choice of entree).  If guests were attending a second page  requested their choice of meals and additional name of guests. I also requested emails or telephone numbers so I can respond to each guest via e-mail or phone of their confirmation.  There was also a secondary screen for guests not attending to thank them for their reply.

It was fairly easy to track and stay on top of information; as a bonus I was able to provide that same spreadsheet to my caterer. 

That concludes my "Répondez S'il Vous Plaît".

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Suckerd In...part 2

Last year I wrote a post (here) about getting away with a  Mini-moon and Honey-moon. Going on a honeymoon four months after the wedding didn't take place, it made perfect sense to go during our 1 year anniversary. We still wanted to go on a trip as planned, so we went skiing with a few of our good friends.

Well, we are a few months away from going on our honeymoon and I am so excited for more than one reason. I guess I should write about the happenings of our mini-moon prior to writing about the upcoming honeymoon but my excitement has the best of me.

Since I planned the wedding, hubby is planning the honeymoon, which makes me excited and a nervous wreck all in one because I'm usually the planner.  He wants to keep the location unknown so it can be a surprise up until the day we are at the airport. Well, that was the plan at first but to ease up on the pressure, we decided I can pick my top 5 locations for him to decide from.

Going somewhere tropical was a given for us but it HAD to be an EXOTIC location!!! Here are my top 5:

  1. Maldives (which I discovered years ago with a friend Natacha P.; we wanted to take trip there but never had the chance.)
  2. Tahiti (and/or the Society Islands; Bora Bora and Moorea)
  3. Fiji
  4. Thailand
  5. New Caledonia
Maldives was (and still is) my number one spot and I expressed (one too many times) how I would love to go there before it disappears due to global warming. Major, major (triple major) mistake; now he definitely doesn't want to go because of the thought of being at a location which will be submerged by water. Well, that's out the plan!! (Natacha if he doesn't take me, we should still make it part of our plans :-)

All the other locations are still good except for #4. Since I've been to Thailand, I'm not sure if he will pick this location. But I love that place and would go again any day!

So, there you have it! Though not much a surprise since I provided locations, but not having to plan it is a pleasant surprise. I trust he will do an awesome job; we just want to get our feet wet and lay under the sun.

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