Tuesday, May 3, 2011

School's Out!

SIIIGGGGHHH!.......A big sigh of relief! Now that I'm done with the semester, I can get back into my plan mode without having to divide my time :-)

I had plenty of ideas and projects to get into for the wedding but they were just scattered ideas and plans. The minute I shut those books, the ideas just started coming into place. I was able to sort out which one's I was going to keep and which I had to forgo. Well, my fiancee wouldn't agree, he thinks I'm being too complex with all the ideas I have been working on for the past six months. But hey..its my wedding, I mean our wedding!

I can't wait to share the ideas and projects, a few would have to wait till after the wedding because I don't want to spill all the beans; I don't want my guests to know it all prior to the day. But I will have the posts written and scheduled for release the weekend of the wedding, so be on the look out.

That's all for now, time to add entries :-)


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