Monday, March 21, 2011

Ladies in waiting...

Thou art chosen to be amongst....okay so it's not that serious!

Picking the bridesmaids (bm's) seemed to be a harder task than expected. There is no scheme, technique or practical method just a load of confusion. A confusion simply because when I jotted down the names of possible bm's, I had over a dozen names. I could already see faces reading the previous sentence and thinking "do you seriously think you have that many close friends", answer yes (at least I think) and I have 6 sisters.  Now, as many articles suggest and as a good friend of mine said, "make sure your bridesmaids are ladies you can count on and know they will be there for you".  Made perfect sense but the list didn't budge so much.

In the end, I made a decision that I knew would be best for both parties; besides not everyone can be a bridesmaid! but they can still be lovely ladies without a title.  Though, I may have not picked some of these ladies they knew I still loved them and that is what mattered.

Moving along, next was the task of asking. A simple phone call couldn't complete it for me so instead I created a card.

The front of the card:

Middle (depending if it was a bm or moh):

The bottom reads "cool as a cucumber", because I really am!!

My out of town bm's received it in the mail while the one's in town, I invited them to what they thought was a ladies night out dinner. Upon arrival, after putting them to work for a few (which I will show in a later post). I handed them the envelope,  I do wish I had them in better envelopes but trust, when planning a gala such as a wedding, you tend to forget things/items and even people. So I forgot the actual envelopes at home and had to use the remaining mailing envelopes I had in the car. 

Some of the ladies and I at Elephant Bar:

This was just the beginning to my quirky ideas!!


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