Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Laughter to tears

I was getting ready to write my next post entitled "It's not all in the detail". I had pictures of detailed cakes and how the idea was gorgeous but not for a bride like myself.


As I am browsing at wedding cake ideas, I stumble upon a website called CakeWrecks, Oh my word!!! I couldn't believe what I was viewing and I couldn't stop laughing. Don't get me wrong, I felt bad for the brides that had to deal with this on their wedding day.

The intended cake order:

this was what she received:



If the original pictures weren't shown then the cakes delivered wouldn't be so bad because there would be no comparison.  In any case, at this point I am laughing so hard that I am in tears. Then my laughing tears turn into sobbing, "what if this happens to me?" is all I can think about. These plans have really gotten me extra emotional! 

As I was getting into a better mood, I come across:

No need to ask!

At last, I think happy thoughts and move onto something more positive. As I end my cake search, I view this cake which was the highlight of my search:
I had to enlarge it so the details can be more visible.

This cake definitely scored major cool points in my book!!!!



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